Friday, May 6, 2022

Pato's Favorite Tweets This Week


These are my favorite tweets this week. I hope you enjoy them, just as much as did! Also listen to my podcast Pato's Powerhouse episode S213 and hear my A.I. assistant read them out loud.


if disney wanted to turn me gay they shouldn’t have given mrs incredible a big honkin christmas ham



Any family nudist colonies around?

-asking for someone who’s really freaking tired of doing laundry



My phone just autocorrected “ducking” to “fucking” and I couldn’t possibly be any prouder



I don't give a fuck what millionaires wear to party and neither should you



Hob-nobbing and nob-hobbing are NOT the same thing! I know this now..



A big shout-out and a thank you, to these awesome tweeps!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Pato Morningstar

Friday, April 29, 2022

Pato's Favorite Tweets This Week

Hello everyone,

These are my favorite tweets this week. It wasn't eaa sy because of all the political garbage, and Elon Musk taking over Twitter. Like I said it wasn't easy but I found these awesome tweets, from awesome tweeps!



you are statistically more likely to be attacked by ezra miller than a shark



Elon Musk buying Twitter may be the only time you’ll see republicans rooting for someone from Africa



3 hours on a train without a fag is torture



Good people do not have to make a show of their goodness



As the great warrior poet Ice Cube once said...If the day does not require an is good.



These tweets were taken from

A special shout out to my awesome Twitter friends for tweeting awesome stuff!

Listen to my AI assistant read these tweets out loud in my podcast. Pato's Powerhouse S212.

Until next time,

Pato Morningstar

Friday, April 22, 2022

Pato's Favorite Tweets This Week

Hello everyone!

Happy Friday!

These are my favorite tweets this week.
Also listen to Pato's Powerhouse episode S210 and hear my AI assistant read them out loud.


If you can't make love, store-bought is fine



Met a guy today who’s addicted to brake fluid. He said he can stop anytime



“50 is the new 40” is just a thing people in their 50s tell themselves to feel better about not accomplishing anything in their 40s. I only know because I’m 50 & haven’t accomplished anything



We got so high last 4/20 , we searched for our friend for half an hour while he helped us look



Special thanks to my Twitter Friends for posting awesome stuff!

Until next time,


Saturday, April 16, 2022

Back to the drawing board part 2

Back to the drawing board


As I was saying previously, one of the key factors that has contributed to our lack of consistency, is the fact that we have to work a nine-to-five to pay bills.

Distance is another factor. K-Dogg is in Florida, and I am in Arizona. The time difference and our work schedules makes it hard to sit down and record. 

We won't even talk about time to research topics, to talk about on the show.

Thank God for Marvel and DC.

We are always talking about Marvel movies or DC movies because although we may be getting old, we refuse to grow up. It is evident once you listen to an episode of our podcast.

Since this type of movies are all over social media, it makes it easy for us to talk about them, and not much research is needed. We enjoy watching them.

In order for Cursory Overload to continue we've streamlined to 12 episodes per year. Yes, once a month. Not ideal but it is what it is. For now at least.


It allows us to handle our business.  That meaning work, family stuff, getting sick, recovering, and all those pesky things that life brings.


By the time we sit down and record a lot of the things that were juicy, have become irrelevant.

Luckily for you, we are not a news agency.

Once again this is something that we do for fun. We are not a news corp, so what we do is for entertainment purposes only, and shouldn't be taken literally. We hope you continue to join us as we keep on grinding.

Thank you!

Until next time,


Friday, April 15, 2022

Pato's Favorite Tweets This Week

Hello everyone!
Happy Friday!
These are my favorite tweets this week.


Hieroglyphs were just tweets but written on rocks



I like riding by myself so I can replay 1 song 55 times with no complaints



We listed SHIB. What will you comment now?



I was shocked when I found out my toaster wasn't water proof




Next time you're feeling down, remember, life is all about perspective.

I have a friend who has sex 2-3 times a week, exercises twice a day, reads two books a week, but yet every day he complains about how much he hates prison.



Hope you all enjoyed them! Listen to Pato's Powerhouse and hear how my A.I. assistant lends her voice and reads this tweets out loud.

To my Twitter friends, thank you for posting all these crazy wacky stuff that brightens up my day!

Until next time,


Friday, April 8, 2022

Favorite Tweets of the Week.

My favorite tweets this week.

Why am I blogging about them? Good question!

I am having my AI assistant Friday, recite them on my podcast. Since I did not write these, I wanted you to know where they came from, and who wrote them.

Taken from just in case you still can't figure out, where these tweets came from.


There’s so much plagiarism here on twitter, it’s really sad!



My 8yo just randomly sang Kool & The Gang to me so I must be doing something right.



When guys pee do they hold it like a joint or like a cigarette?



I tell every telemarketer up front...

I plan on masturbating thru this entire phone call, I hope that's alright with you...

For some reason they keep hanging up.-@Hacksawls


I have a serious case of fuckthisshititis. The only thing that will help me now is a vacation or sex or, even better, vacation sex.



A big shout-out and a thank you to the tweeps above!

Every morning when I open up my timeline, I will come across one of these very special people's tweets, and a smile will inevitably come to my face.

These tweets will be featured in Pato's Powerhouse episode 111.

Until next time,

Pato Morningstar

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Back to the Drawing Board

Back to the drawing board

Sometimes you just have to wipe the board clean and start all over. It is not easy but sometimes it is necessary. Revamping the blog and revamping my podcast is something that it is happening as I am writing this. The D Spot is no more. If you never heard of it , that was my old blog. If you are reading this, welcome to D Powerhouse Chronicles!

Who am I? Good question!

Hello I am Enrique Pallares aka Pato Morningstar. I am the host of Pato's Powerhouse and 1/2 of the podcast Cursory Overload. I am also the founder of The Podcast Shack which distributes such podcasts. And if you want to take a wild guess, yes. I am the writer of this blog.


How did I get involved in podcasting?

Becoming a podcaster was a wonderful by-product of going along with my friend's shenanigans. Eric Kinner aka K-Dogg started talking about podcasts back in 2010, and 2011. At that time the technology to maintain and run a podcast was very scary for the regular everyday person. So most of us would just look at him and say something to the effect of "yeah it would be very cool", but that's as far as it went.

Fast forward to 2017 the technology became friendlier. Found an easy-to-use app to podcast which we continue to use to this very day, and the rest is history

Originally I didn't want to be behind the microphones. I still had a lot of religious reservations. I was only going to ghost write material and help him produce the show.

While testing out the app for podcasting, Pato D'Ghostwriter's Show was created. I took it for a spin and got hooked.

4 years last December

Time flies when you're having fun they say, and apparently is true. December marked the fourth year anniversary for Cursory Overload and Pato's Powerhouse (formerly Pato D'Ghostwriter's Show).

It's been 4 years and we are still complete unknowns to the podcast world, for the most part.

Part of it is the lack of consistency, not because we don't want to record, but because we have to work. Unlike other people that podcast for a living, what we do it's mainly for fun. Of course we would love for this to become the job, but until then, we have to continue with a 9 to 5.

To be continued...